“52 Things You Should Know About Geology” is a series of short essays by 42 geologists (mostly Canadian, from the oil sector) covering all aspects of the work primarily of the petroleum geologist – but a lot applying generally. Practical words of reflection and wisdom by geo’s for geo’s and geo students – everything from relying on one’s field observations, to dealing with uncertainty, to modelling pitfalls and on…
An easy, entertaining and very informative read. The book captures a lot on the idiosyncrasies of our science and the amount of “craft” involved – stuff that geoscientists often have a hard time explaining to others!
The book is a sequel to “52 Things You Should Know About Geophysics” that come out about two years ago, which some of you may have seen. The geophysics book was the brainchild of a group at CSEG (Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists) in Calgary. This sequel is edited by Matt Hall – an oil and gas consultant now based in Nova Scotia, with proceeds going to the AAPG foundation.
Visit the publisher’s website for more information.
Oliver Bonham, Geoscientists Canada
10 January 2014