AIG extends sincere congratulations to Professor Ross Large AO, recognised for his distinguished service to education, and to scientific research, in the field of economic geology, and to professional societies on this years’ Australia Day Honours.
Professor Large is Distinguished Professor and Professor of Economic Geology at the University of Tasmania.
Distinguished Professor Ross Large, ABC image
Professor Large has shaped economic geology teaching and research at University of Tasmania, through a number of roles including:
Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Economic Geology, since 2016.
Director, National Key Centre for Ore Deposit and Exploration Studies (CODES), 1989-2012. Member, Professorial Board and Academic Senate, 15 years.
Member, University Research Committee and Research College Board.
Member, University Promotions Committee, 2009-2011.
Chair, University Club, 2002-2005.
Representative, University Mentoring Circle, 2009-2010.
Senior Lecturer, 1984-1989.
Lecturer, 1984-1989.
Professor Large is a Fellow of the Society of Economic Geologists and served as the society’s President, 2004-2005, an Executive Committee Member, 2003-2005. Vice President, Australasia, 1993-1996. He was the society’s Distinguished Lecturer, 1998.
Awards and recognition received by Professor Large include:
Eureka Prize for Excellence in Interdisciplinary Scientific Research, Australian Museum, 2016.
Lindgren Award for excellence in research, Society of Economic Geologists, 1983. Recipient, Distinguished Lecturer, Society of Economic Geologists, 1998.
Fellowship, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, 1999.