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28th October 2019, Brisbane
Presentations by:
Lauren Maxwell (Global Ore Discovery) & Kane Maxwell (Peabody Energy)
Introuduction to Machine Learning for Mining Professionals
Tony Hampton (Imago)
Realising the Value of Your Geological Images
Marc-Antoine Laporte (SGS)
XploreIQ: Successfully Using Machine Learning in Exploration
Prof. Rick Valenta (UQ SMI)
Automated Geological Drill Core Logging Based on XRF Data Using Unsupervised Machine Learning Methods
Steve Sullivan (Maptek)
Building Geology using Machine Learning – A Practical Guide
Valdimir Lisitsin (DNRM)
ML for Exploration Targeting – Challenges and Opportunities
Ross Corben (Geowiz Consulting) & Gavin Daneel (Gavin Daneel & Associates)
Machine Learning in Exploration Target Generation
Assoc. Prof. Mohsen Yahyaei (UQ JKMRC)
Applications of Machine Learning in Advanced Process Prediction and control
Dr Dave Cole (CSIRO)
Data-Driven Approaches to Mineral Exploration and Geological Mapping
Matthew Greenwood (DNRM)
Regional Applications of Machine Learning And Pre-Competitive Data
Andrew McCulloch & Richard Scott (Oz Minerals)
Lessons from the Explorer Challenge: Journey to discovery with Data
Warwick Anderson (Orefox)
Utilization of Deep Leaning for Exploration in the Prominent Hill/Mt Woods terrain
John Anderson (Austrike Resources)
First Encounter of the ML Kind: An Explorer’s View