Fellow Guidelines


The Membership Committee of AIG Board receives applications for membership at the grade of Fellow that do not conform to the requirements for this particular grade. Most commonly, applicants provide a general curriculum vitae as evidence of their qualifications, but do not address specific criteria for admission as a Fellow of the AIG. Further information is usually requested in such cases, often significantly delaying processing of the application.

Sunset at Wave Rock near the town of Hyden, in the south west of Western Australia, Australia.
Sunset at Wave Rock near the town of Hyden, in the south west of Western Australia, Australia.

The AIG constitution, summarised on the membership application form, states that to be eligible for election as Fellow (FAIG), an applicant must be a geoscientist with not less than fifteen years of experience in his/her field of practice, who has, in the opinion of the Board, achieved prominence in such a field.

Many applicants forget the second half of this eligibility statement and expect to be accepted as Fellow simply upon completion of fifteen years as a geoscientist. This is not the case, and the Board rejects applications where prominence in the field of geoscientific practice is not clearly evident. In order to provide better advice on the eligibility criteria, the Board of AIG has developed and updated the following expanded set of guidelines, which were ratified at the AIG Board Meeting in May 2024.


Fellowship application requirements

The AIG Membership Regulations require that to be eligible for admission as Fellow (FAIG), an applicant must be a professional geoscientist with over fifteen years of experience in their field of practice, and who has made a significant contribution to geoscience or professionalism.

All applications should be made via AIG’s website https://bookings.aig.org.au/membership/

Applicants should provide evidence in their application of their significant contribution to geoscience and/or professionalism via a specific statement of contribution as well as summary of relevant employment and experience. Endorsement is required from a minimum of two suitable proposers who attest to knowledge of the significant contribution as outlined and the applicant’s professional experience for a minimum of 15 years between them.


Evidence of significant contribution to geoscience and/or professionalism

Significant Contribution to Geoscience

Over fifteen years’ experience as a professional geoscientist in any aspect of the geoscience profession, and have made a significant contribution to increasing geoscience knowledge.

Such significant contributions may be demonstrated by:

  • recognised evidence of personal responsibility for initiation, research and documentation of major geoscientific study;
  • technical management / success of sustained geoscience investigation or development project(s);
  • Authorship of a significant number (+5) of peer reviewed papers involving personal, specialised, geoscience research or advancement, published in scientific or technical journals, conference proceedings etc at a national or international level; or
  • Preparation of a significant number of publicly released technical reports or publications of geoscientific importance, accessible to professional peers (including the AIG Membership Committee) on an open-file or a similar basis. This does not include public reporting of mineral assets under JORC etc.

Significant Contribution to Professionalism                                                                      

Over fifteen years’ experience as a professional geoscientist in any aspect of the geoscience profession with at least five years at a senior level on Boards, Committees or related bodies.

These could include major contribution to the geoscience profession through:

  • Board/Council roles of professional bodies such as AGC, AIG, GSA, AusIMM, PESA, ASEG, IAH, IAEG, SEG etc;
  • appointment by government or industry to formally established Committees providing significant advice on policy etc. with respect to the geoscience profession at state or national level; or
  • sustained contribution to advisory committees or similar bodies connected with geoscience education and/or research at tertiary institutions.

All applications for Fellowship, including Membership upgrades, should be made via AIG’s online application system at https://bookings.aig.org.au/membership/.

It is the responsibility of the applicant to provide a supporting statement (in addition to their Curriculum Vitae) pointing out to the Board of the AIG why they are worthy applicants for Fellowship of the Institute.

Applicants should note that a minimum of two proposers must attest to knowledge of the applicants’ experience for a minimum of 15 years between them.


Download a PDF version of the Fellow Guidelines here.