The contributions of three members, Graham Jeffress, Bill Shaw and Wayne Spilsbury, were recognised with awards at a presentation in Perth last Friday evening (28th October, 2022).
Graham Jeffress and Bill Shaw were presented with the AIG Distinguished Service Medals, recognising significant contributions to both AIG and the Australian geoscience community more generally.
Graham Jeffress contributed to the work of both the Western Australia Branch and the AIG Council (Board) over a number of years which included the roles of WA Branch Chair and both Treasurer and Secretary of the Institute. Graham is currently the Deputy Chair and an AIG representative on the Joint Ore Reserves Committee (JORC).
Bill Shaw is a past Western Australia Branch Chair, Institute President and, until recently, a long-standing member of the Australian Geoscience Council (AGC) management committee.
Graham Jeffress receiving the AIG Distinguished Service Award from AIG President, Chris Dickinson
Bill Shaw receiving the AIG Distinguished Service award from AIG President, Chris Dickinson.
Wayne Spilsbury received the Western Australia Branch Service Award. Wayne has been a long-standing contributor to the Western Australia Branch and the AIG Council (Board). Wayne is also past-President of the Institute.
Wayne Spilsbury being presented with the Western Australia Branch Distinguished Service award by current WA Branch Chair, Matt Greentree.
Congratulations Graham, Bill and Wayne for recognition of your commitment to our Institute on behalf of all AIG members.