AIG SA: Applied Exploration Geochemistry Workshop
AIG SA Branch presents:
Applied Exploration Geochemistry Workshop
2 day workshop
Monday 5 December – Tuesday 6 December 2022
Time: 9:30 am – 4:30 pm
upstairs at the Coopers Ale House – Pulteney Street Adelaide
Applied Exploration Geochemistry
“The Value in the Shallow”
- Multi-element analysis of geochemical samples is now common practice in mineral exploration. Voluminous data is being generated but potentially is not fully utilised by project geoscientists.
- Traditional anomaly definition of geochemical data has tended to focus on the highest numbers in selected target elements. However, in many circumstances the highest numbers may not be the most significant given the geological context.
- This workshop focusses on more informative techniques of viewing and visualising geochemical data. This style of targeting focuses on placing all of the geochemical data into a richer geological context.
- This is a “hands-on” workshop illustrating & applying these techniques. The workshop is directed to all geoscientists who want to extract more from their data.
- How many standards should be submitted? What about Blanks? How do you take a representative Duplicate? Is a replicate a duplicate? Should you try to maximise or minimise variability in a duplicate? Is this CRM matrix matched? Are soil duplicates a waste of money?
- QA/QC is an integral part of exploration which is potentially done poorly. The three components of the QA/QC process will be explored: how samples are collected in the field, what happens when samples get to the lab and how to interpret QC data. Case histories, exercises and videos will be used to illustrate concepts. Participants are invited to bring their own data.
- Mark Arundell has over 30 years’ experience in exploration geology and in the use of multi-element geochemistry to find ore deposits
AIG Members – $880 incl. GST
Non Members – $1100 incl. GST
Spaces limited to 8 people