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Critical Minerals in Victoria’s Central HighlandsThere are many references on Central Victorian topographic maps to tungsten, wolfram and tin. There are numerous known occurrences of tungsten, molybdenum and tin, but production has been small. The Wilks Creek, Tin Creek, Monkey Gully and Britannia Creek prospects all lie on a fundamental structure which coincides with the median line of the Selwyn Block. At each, a large (up to 2 km long) soil tungsten anomaly is associated with granodioritic rocks. These prospects are woefully under-explored with very little drilling conducted, and given the combination of thick bush, deep soil, and poor access in the Central Highlands, it would not be surprising if significant deposits have been overlooked. This talk discusses whether Victorian Central Highlands should remain open for exploration of critical minerals or become a National Park. SpeakerAllan Rossiter Allan Rossiter graduated with B.Sc. (Hons) and M.Sc. degrees from the University of Melbourne in the early 1970’s. His first job was with the Bureau of Mineral Resources carrying out regional stream-sediment geochemical surveys. From 1979 he combined consulting work for exploration companies with various prospecting ventures. In 1991 he returned to academia and spent a decade at La Trobe University completing a Ph.D. thesis on the characterisation and origins of Victorian granites. After a stint lecturing at La Trobe he returned to consulting and (his true love) prospecting. Cost and RegistrationFree event (registration is essential). Dinner is at own cost. To register – in-real-life, see below. To register to the webcast: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_YsLg9PUlSSippOerOare_Q More InformationDownload the flyer HERE! |
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