GOLD24 Short Course: Porphyry copper-gold systems – foundations and pathways towards discovery

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GOLD24 Short Course: Porphyry copper-gold systems – foundations and pathways towards discovery

GOLD24 Short Course: Porphyry copper-gold systems – foundations and pathways towards discovery

By Steve Garwin and Roger Taylor
Monday 21 October 2024

With an emphasis on ore textures, hydrothermal alteration, and vein-types the course examines the relationships between mineralisation,
hydrothermal alteration and magmatic conditions, and 3D integration of geoscientific data in exploration.

Sessions 1 and 2: Roger Taylor will introduce porphyry ore textures (including principles of infill, alteration and brecciation),
followed by a detailed summary of porphyry alteration styles, zonation, and associated mineralisation styles (including high-
sulphidation epithermal). These sessions will introduce and provide examples of the porphyry-style vein nomenclature of Gustafson
and Hunt (1975) and others.
Session 3: Steve Garwin will cover the relationships between mineralisation, hydrothermal alteration, and magmatic conditions in
porphyry systems, including the characteristics of Type I and Type II porphyry systems and the importance of sulphidation-state,
oxygen fugacity, water content and fertility to the development of metal-endowed porphyry systems.
Session 4: Steve will discuss the importance of integrating 3D geological and geochemical data for effective porphyry exploration
and provide examples from Indonesia, Ecuador, and Chile, which illustrate the successful application of the Anaconda method.


Steve Garwin

Steve is an independent consultant (Perthbased) with 35 years of experience as an exploration geologist. He has participated in Au and Cu projects of more than 40 clients in over 20 countries, and is one of the leading authorities on porphyry, epithermal and Carlin-style mineralisation in the circum-Pacific region. Steve has been involved in several, major exploration and mining projects, including the Batu Hijau porphyry (Cu-Au) in Indonesia, the Carlin, and Battle Mountain Trends (Au) in Nevada and the recently discovered world-class Alpala porphyry (Cu-Au-Ag) in Ecuador.

Roger Taylor

Roger has been involved with the exploration and mining industry for over sixty years operating as a practising exploration / mine geologist and academic as Director of the Economic Geology Research Unit at James Cook University (1993-1998). More recent activities include international consulting, a range of professional development courses, and petrological services. Major
publications include books on tin deposits, ore textures-breccias, and gossans-leached outcrops. Major interests are magmaticrelated deposits, including porphyry copper, tin, IOCG and epithermal systems.


AIG Members – $485
Non-members – $550
Students – $165

Go to the main event page to download the flyer, register or know more about the Gold24 Symposium:

  • Date and time

    21 Oct 2024
    9AM to 6PM

  • Location

    The University Club of WA