The AGCC 2018 Third Circular has been released with all the information you were waiting for to assist you in planning your participation in the Convention.
Don’t miss the opportunity to have your work presented (oral or poster) at the Australian Geoscience Council Convention 2018. Deadline for abstract submission is midnight on Saturday 16 June.
Formal notification of acceptance of abstracts will be by Saturday 28 July; presenters of accepted abstracts must pay for their full delegate registration by Saturday 18 August.
Click here for further information on abstracts submission and presentations.
If you are an Early Career Geoscientist, you may be able to take up AGCC 2018 special offer and pay $765 for a full delegate registration, saving up to $235 on the current full member rate. Be quick, the offer closes on Thursday 30 August!
To see if you fit the criteria for Early Career Geoscientist, please read page 6 of AGCC 2018 Third Circular here.
We want to make AGCC 2018 as accessible as possible to all Geoscientists, including those with young children and who may need assistance with their care. The Steering Committee is investigating the possibility of having a child-minding facility set up at the Adelaide Convention Centre for the duration of AGCC 2018. The facility would be operated and managed by a licensed contractor and all arrangements would be made by parents with the contractor directly. It is intended to provide this facility on a cost-recovery basis.
If you are interested in this service, please complete the Expression of Interest form here on or before Tuesday 14 August. The decision on whether or not to provide this facility will be made based on the demand received via the Expression of Interest form by this date.