AGM – Notice of Meeting 8 May, 2018

Australian Institute of Geoscientists > National > AGM – Notice of Meeting 8 May, 2018

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists will be held at 5.45pm, Tuesday 8 May 2018 at the Transcontinental Hotel, 482 George Street, Brisbane (opposite Roma Street Station).

The meeting papers have been placed in your AIG members portal and can be accessed by clicking on the Notices tab. They include the agenda, minutes of the 2017 Annual General Meeting, the Audited Financial Report for 2017, and the 2018 Proxy forms.

There are seven (7) vacancies for Councillors (Directors) this year and seven (7) nominations have been received. The nominees are:

  1. Patrick Maher, Qld
  2. Tim Pippett, NSW
  3. Katarina David, NSW
  4. Alastair Reed, Tas
  5. Matthew Cobb, WA
  6. John Sykes, WA, and
  7. Michael Erceg, Qld

Please return any proxy forms for the AGM or advise if you would like to be recorded as an apology by 5pm AEST Sunday 6th May 2018.