These notes are provided for AIG members to foster engagement and transparency in AIG activities. They do not comprise the minutes of the meeting. Questions and comments are welcome. Please contact any Councillor (listed on the back page of each issue of AIG News or Lynn Vigar, AIG Executive Officer (
Memberships for members who have not renewed for 2018-19 will lapse 31st December 2018. Any members who are unsure of their membership status can search their details on the AIG website. If your details do not appear, you are currently unfinancial and your membership will lapse. Please contact the secretariat office ( or Lynn Vigar, AIG Executive Officer ( to resolve this situation.
The Australian Geoscience Council Convention (AGCC 2018) held in Adelaide during October operated at a small surplus. AIG is an AGC member society and contributed to the organisation of the convention.
Some 19 new applications for membership were approved.
Three applications for professional registration are in preparation for consideration when Council meets in December.
Council is aware that potential membership applicants, in rural and remote areas of Australia in particular, experience problems with obtaining supporters for applications. Please contact the secretariat office ( or your state branch committee if you are in this situation.
Council approved the renewal of AIG’s dedicated Edumine Campus. AIG Graduate Members, Members and Fellows subscribing to the campus have access to a suite of high quality, on-line, self-paced professional development materials and webinars at a special enrolment fee. Council is also discussing using the Edumine platform to enable self-paced courses developed for and by AIG members to be delivered to a global audience using the Edumine platform. Edumine is moving to a “micro-accreditation” model under which individual, short, courses collectively contribute to broader recognition of continued professional development activities. Council endorse this concept, in preference to single, more lengthy courses that busy professionals may struggle to complete, and for which individual models may not address professional development objectives. All Edumine courses may be claimed by Registered Professional Geoscientists towards their annual CPD requirement.
Representation of individual sectors of the geoscience profession was discussed by Council in response to a Member’s letter expressing concern that geoscientists working in the public sector require better representation. Please contact the Secretariat ( or any Councillor to participate in this discussion. AIG aims to represent all professional geoscientists working in industry, government, research and education in Australia.
The next Council meetings are scheduled for Wednesday, December 12, 2018, and Wednesday, January 23, 2019. Submissions for the January 2019 meeting should be received by January 2, 2019.