At the AIG strategy meeting, held in Sydney at the beginning of July, Council resolved to produce summaries of the initiatives and issues discussed and examined by Council at each meeting, to better inform members of developments affecting AIG and the Institute’s direction. The aim of this is to improve transparency and, importantly, both member engagement and feedback.
Council has changed the way in which it works:
This creates greater opportunities for considering strategic issues, AIG’s direction and value proposition for members.
Key Issues from the August Council Meeting
Several proposals were accepted by Council.
AIG Chief Executive Officer
Consideration is being given to enagement of a Chief Executive Officer to provide a resource able to act as a spokesperson for the institute and manage major initiatives. Historically, AIG has relied almost entirely on hard work by a small core of volunteers. Some years ago, we moved to sourcing back-office support (membership database, accounts, clerical and publications support) from several third-party, contract providers. An important part of the CEO’s role is perceived to be promotion of AIG’s role and work within the broader Australian scientific and business community, and to the public more generally. The role is proposed to be part-time at first and necessary to underpin the next phase of AIG’s development and growth.
Distinguished Lecturer Programme
Consideration is being given to implementing an AIG Distinguished Lecturer Programme. This would see a prominent, Australian geoscientist deliver lectures of particular relevance and interest to members and guests throughout Australia. A Council sub-committee has been formed to develop a proposal and report back to the next Council meeting in early October.
Education and Continued Professional Development
AusIMM is about to launch an on-line, structured training program for public reporting in compliance with the JORC Code. AIG was asked to exclusively recommend this course to members. This request was respectfully declined. Council agreed to promote the AusIMM course to members, but at the same time, seek and support the development of other training options for the benefit of members, recognising that there are a number of providers already delivering a range of excellent offerings in relation to application of the JORC Code. The plan is to develop a range of professional development resources, from short, very specific, targeted modules that may only take an hour to complete, to full day workshops, all of which will be made accessible by members everywhere. JORC will be an initial focus, but the plan is to extend the initiative to other aspects of professional geoscientific practice rapidly. Expressions of interest from members are very welcome.
Next Meeting
Council will meet next 3 October 2018. Submissions and reports for consideration at that meeting are required by 12 September from all committees and working groups please.
Feedback is always welcome, direct to Councillors (contact details are in each issue of AIG News – the next issue will be published early in September) or via the AIG Linkedin Group.