AIG Mentoring Program – 2017 calling for participants across the nation

Australian Institute of Geoscientists > Best Practice > AIG Mentoring Program – 2017 calling for participants across the nation

AIG Mentoring Program

An initiative of the National Graduate Group for BSc/MSc/PhD students and Early career geoscientists (<5 years experience)

AIG Mentoring Program

Our program connects undergraduate students, honours, MSc and PhD candidates, and early career geoscientists (0-5yrs) with experienced industry professionals. The aim is to build our community by providing emerging geoscientists with connections, knowledge and experiences from knowledgeable professionals who are looking to give back. Our professionals provide practical advice and guidance on a number of areas of interest in regards to beginning and maintaining a healthy career within geoscience.

Program details

  • The program is free for both mentees and mentors!
  • During the program mentees and mentors meet regularly to discuss and work on their mentoring program objectives.
  • In addition to mentor-mentee meetings, the program includes three formal events:
  • Kick-Off Event – May/June
  • Mid-term Social Event
  • Final Event/Program finish – Oct
  • Programs are currently running in WA, VIC and QLD urban centres.
  • New in 2017! For people located outside urban areas or in a state without an active program, the Distance Program is for you. This program uses online technology to facilitate mentoring, regardless of location.

Join us!

Fill out and submit an expression of interest form for the program you’d like to join via Note the deadline for submissions is 15 April 2017.

Participants will be notified of their acceptance into the program in May 2017.

AIG membership is a prerequisite to participate in the mentoring program as a mentor or as a mentee. If you are not already an AIG member then this is a great reason to join up – sign up for membership online at

AIG membership for students is free!

Call for state champions

If you are passionate about giving back and want to make an impact in your community, we are seeking mentoring program state champions who have >15-20 yr practical industry experience to lead dynamic mentoring committees in NSW/ACT, SA/NT and TAS. You will help connect our program across the nation by joining our network of established programs in WA, VIC and QLD.

Any questions? For more details about the AIG Mentoring Program please contact us at

Click here to download the EOI flyer.

Whether you are a mentee or mentor – Sign up now!