AIG is critically concerned with the health of members and immediately complied with Australian federal and state government restrictions relating to public events and other gatherings of people engaged in AIG activities.
AIG’s state branches acted rapidly and responsibly to suspend all technical talks, seminars and conferences to help minimise the impact of the virus in our communities.
All face to face meetings of AIG committees have also been suspended and replaced with on-line and telephone conferencing.
Plans are being developed to continue delivery of benefits of membership, including professional development opportunities to members both within Australia and internationally. An on-line webinar system is being implemented for delivery of technical talks, seminars and short courses to members. The system will provide an environment in which participants will be able to interact with presenters and have access to presentation recordings following each event.
Current plans are to use this system include:
A monthly Q&A session is also proposed where interested members will be able to interact with AIG Councillors to provide suggestions on how AIG can better serve members and provide feedback on current activities.
Details of upcoming events using AIG’s webinar platform will be publicised through member emails and the AIG website events calendar very soon.
Delivery of the AIG mentoring programme for 2020 will continue. The Mentoring Committee is meeting this week to agree on programme delivery details. Details will be provided as soon as they are confirmed.
Development of a JORC Code public reporting course for members is almost complete. The course comprises a series of modules that may be completed individually, according to participant needs, or as a complete course. The course will be launched soon as an on-line webinar series.
A special publication commemorating the 50th anniversary of the discovery of the Ok Tedi deposit will be launched soon. The book provides first-hand accounts of working at Ok Tedi along with the geology and exploration of the deposit that will be of interest to a broad spectrum of members.
A major update of the AIG web site is nearing completion which will provide much improved access to content for members and enhanced information on AIG events and other activities.
AIG is continuing to work with ASEG and PESA to present the Third Australian Exploration Geoscience Conference (AEGC) in Brisbane in April 2021. Conference planning will, of course, take account of how the COVID-19 situation continues to unfold and be responsive to the needs and concerns of members.
Work to establish special interest groups continues. Geoscientific data management and GIS are the current focus. Members interested in establishing a group covering other relevant, geoscientific fields should get in touch.
Professional standards are always a focus area for our Institute. The JORC Committee has commenced the process of reviewing the JORC Code. Details of this review and opportunities for stakeholder consultation will be provided as they come to hand. AIG is also examining the need for accreditation of Tertiary geoscience courses offered by Australian universities to ensure that key competencies required for recognition as a professional geoscientist through AIG membership are adequately addressed by course curricula.
These are challenging times that will have broad impacts on Australian geoscience, many of which may not yet be apparent. The AIG Council and Branch Committees remain focussed on our Institute’s purpose of representing our profession and delivering high quality, relevant professional development opportunities to members everywhere. Don’t hesitate to contact your state branch, any Councillor or the AIG secretariat office in Sydney with any concerns or suggestions of how your Institute can better represent members.
Andrew Waltho
President, Australian Institute of Geoscientists