Check Out Geoscience Radio


Geoscience Radio is a podcast about discovery. For those involved in exploration, this is a podcast to showcase mineral discoveries and share insight into the geoscience that is involved in the process. We will delve into some of the basic (and often undervalued) principles of geology that are indispensable tools to the modern geologist, and discuss modern technologies that are becoming commonplace in 21st century exploration.

The podcast series is the work of Perth-based exploration geologist Ben Walsh.

A science graduate from the University of Otago, New Zealand, Ben developed his interest in geology from a young age, experiencing first hand what it means to live in the ‘shaky isles’. Graduating in 2011 with a double major in Geology and Botany, Ben has spent his years so far working in mineral exploration, searching exclusively for metamorphic vein and unconformity-type uranium deposits in Australia.

Episode 1 tells the story of the discovery of WA’s Tropicana gold deposit.  You can subscribe to the podcast via iTunes or listen to podcasts via the Geoscience Radio website.