An exposure draft of the Australian Guidelines for the Estimation and Classification of Coal Resources has been released for public comment. The guidelines have been produced by a volunteer committee of industry representatives as a revision to the 2003 edition of the guidelines that were originally published by the Coalfield Geology Council of New South Wales and the Queensland Resources Council.
The exposure draft is available here.
Public comments are now invited. To submit a comment click here. Comments close COB Wednesday 7 May.
If you work with Coal Resources, you are encouraged to take a look at the exposure draft.
AIG will be preparing a response to the review. AIG members are invited to provide any comments on the proposed guidelines to Andrew Waltho who will coordinate the AIG response and will provide feedback to members contributing to the response’s development. You can also join a discussion of the guidelines on AIG’s Linkedin group.
Andrew Waltho
8 April 2014