Early Career Geoscientists


Welcome to the AIG’s Early Career Geoscientist page


AIG’s National Graduate Group

The National Graduate Group (NGG) is a new initiative by the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG) to better communicate with its graduate and student members. Graduate members of the AIG were nominated by each state, who now sit on the National Graduate Committee (NGC) and are responsible for generating and implementing NGG initiatives to improve communication and engagement by:

  • Increasing student and graduate membership and assist in the transition to professional membership;
  • Promoting interaction between all members;
  • Providing progressive communication to student and graduate members; and
  • Encouraging continued education and training.

The NGG, supporting our next generation of geoscientists!

National Graduate Group Initiatives

The National Graduate Group has several initiatives in place and in the making. We always welcome new ideas pertinent to Early Career Geoscientists – send your feedback to ngg@aig.org.au

Early Career Surveys – What the industry wants

What the industry wants: Results from the AIG National Graduate Group Geoscience Survey

Pt 1: www.aig.org.au/part-one-of-three-part-series-what-the-industry-wants-results-from-the-aig-national-graduate-group-geoscience-survey
Pt 2: www.aig.org.au/part-two-of-three-part-series-what-the-industry-wants-results-from-the-aig-national-graduate-group-geoscience-survey
Pt 3: www.aig.org.au/part-three-of-three-part-series-what-the-industry-wants-results-from-the-aig-national-graduate-group-geoscience-survey

Geoscience Careers Information

The NGG have developed information pages on Geoscience Careers.

Information is provided on various industry and government sectors where geoscientists are regularly employed. Information includes:

  • Daily Activities
  • Skills required
  • University unit suggestions (core subjects and specialty subjects)
  • Statutory Requirements (registration)
  • Job opportunities – where to look
  • Lifestyle options (FIFO, field time etc)
  • Pros and Cons
  • FAQs

Go to https://bookings.aig.org.au/careers-in-geoscience/ for further information.

The AIG Mentoring Program

The Mentoring Programs aim to connect undergraduate students, MSc/PhD Candidates and early, mid career and more mature geoscientists with senior geoscience professionals to seek practical advice, direction and feedback on their future careers.

AIG Mentoring Programs are active in most States including a Distance Mentoring Program for remote and travelling geoscientists. The programs have formal, face-to-face events and allow programs which run over 5-6 months annually. Mentor-mentee contact is through private face to face, telephone or skype meetings as well as programmed formal meetings and social events. This allows time for the development of strong relationships between mentees and mentors and encourages networking with the general geoscience community.


Early Career Webinars

Each year the NGG hosts webinars specifically for early career geoscientists.

Pathways to Your Dream Job Webinar Series

Discovering your Brand Webinar (1)

Join Patrick McAndless, P.Geo., FGC for an insightful webinar/workshop where participants will uncover their unique way of making a difference to create a personal Brand Statement. The Brand Statement represents your life purpose and internal compass for your entire career journey – vital knowledge for any early career geoscientist (approx 0.5hour).

Apply Your Brand (2)

Patrick McAndless, P.Geo., FGC presents a second webinar/workshop where participants will learn how to market themselves by applying their newly created Brand Statement to a variety of Brand Products including their resume, Linkedin profile and business card. (approx ½-¾ hour).

Speak Your Brand (3)

Patrick McAndless, P.Geo., FGC presents the third and final webinar/workshop where participants will learn to effectively market themselves with confidence in all networking situations and job interviews. (approx ½-¾ hour).


NGG is proud to collaborate with GradAustralia, Australia’s leading graduate recruitment specialists. Head to their website www.gradaustralia.com.au to search for graduate jobs & internships from Australia’s top employers & kick start your career.

GradAustralia has released their 2019-20 STEM Career Guide and it can be found here.

AIG Membership Benefits

  • Free membership to full-time geoscience undergraduate students.
  • Discounted prices on short courses, seminars and conferences.
  • Free access to AIG publications.
  • Eligibility to bursaries valued between $1000 and $4000 through AIG’s Student Bursary Programme.
  • Opportunity to build your professional network.
  • Eligibility to participate AIG’s mentor program.
  • Reduced membership fee (33% off)
  • Discounted membership prices on workshops, seminars and conferences.
  • Discount on access to the online AIG EduMine Campus with more than 100 short courses.
  • Free access to AIG publications.
  • Opportunity to build your professional network.
  • Eligibility to participate AIG’s mentor program.
  • JORC Competent Person accreditation.
  • Ability to apply for recognition as a Registered Professional Geoscientist (RPGeo) through AIG’s RPGeo continuous professional development program.
  • Discounted prices on short courses, seminars and conferences.
  • Free access to AIG publications.
  • Discount on access to the online AIG EduMine Campus with more than 100 short courses.
  • Opportunity to build your professional network.
  • Eligibility to participate AIG’s mentor program.

For more information, visit our website for full list of member benefits – www.aig.org.au/about-aig/membership/member-benefits

Useful links

Careers & education

For more information on NGG activities please Email.  The NGG – supporting our next generation of geoscientists!

Follow AIG’s National Graduate Group on Facebook.