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Tue May 10, 2022
Meet at 5 pm (finger food and a chat) for 6pm start (Webinar and talk start at 6pm)
Transcontinental Hotel
The Tujuh Bukit porphyry deposit is the largest and most exciting Cu-Au discoveries in Indonesia in recent times. A total of 1.8 billion tonnes inferred global resource of ore at an average grade of 0.46% of copper and 0.50 gram per tonne of gold containing 8.2 million tonnes of copper and 28.6 million ounces of gold. (https://merdekacoppergold.com/en/download/consolidated-mineral-resources-ore-reserves-statement-as-of-31-december-2021/)
The Tujuh Bukit geology team have recently updated the Geology Model based on an additional 70km of drilling, detailed multi-element geochem, hyperspectral imaging, and age dating, (with some assistance from Machine Learning). This presentation describes the current Geological Model, and how it was derived.
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