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Tuesday, 3 May 2022
12:30pm – 6pm WST.
Parmelia Hilton, Perth WA
Following on from the successful Competent Person Discussion Forum held in Brisbane and online in March, the AusIMM/AIG Competent Person Joint Taskforce will be hosting a further Discussion Forum in Perth for WA based members of both organisations to participate in the conversation around competence as it relates to the JORC Code.
With the current review of the JORC Code entering a critical phase, it is important that members of the Parent Bodies can contribute in a constructive way to the outcomes of the review with respect to competency, and to provide their perspectives on the future directions of minimum standards for Competent Persons under the Code.
The Discussion Forum will be hosted as a town hall style event on the afternoon of 3 May at the Parmelia Hilton in Perth and the Joint Taskforce invites participation from the full range of Competent Persons disciplines. To set context for the discussion, representatives from the Joint Taskforce will provide a summary of key drivers for the JORC Code review around Competent Persons and some preliminary findings of the Baseline Study document that has been commissioned by the JORC Code Review Working Group on Competency and the Joint Taskforce. The floor will then be opened for a facilitated discussion amongst members, run under the Chatham House Rule (https://www.chathamhouse.org/about-us/chatham-house-rule) to allow open and frank discussion.
It is anticipated that members contributions to the discussion, along with the Baseline Study, will become key inputs to a series of workshops to be held mid-year with the aim of further defining the framework for implementation of the revised JORC Code requirements around Competent Persons.
Afternoon tea will be provided for attendees and a networking session will be held immediately following the Discussion Forum.
Register now for the Discussion Forum.