Prior to the second webinar, on Patrick’s website, you can go to the “Market Your Brand” section and create a resume and business card featuring your brand statement. Once again you can send them to Patrick for feedback.
The second webinar will provide an overview of the application of the “Brand Statement” and answer any questions.
Wed 10 August 2022, 12pm AEST
Patrick McAndless, P.Geo., FGC presents a second webinar/workshop where participants will learn how to apply their “Brand Statement” to a variety of Brand Products including their business cards, resume, Linkedin profile and other social media platforms. (approx 0.5 to 1 hour).
To join the webinar/workshop – login at
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Passcode: 124178
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Passcode: 124178
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Since 2017 and again this year the AIG Mentoring Programs are working with Patrick McAndless (retired geoscientist, mentor and educator) in running his online workshops entitled “Discovering and Marketing Your Personal Brand”. These workshops will be of particular interest to students and early career geoscientists but are open to all AIG members.
To get started in the process of preparing to launch or establish your career, you can access the workshop at any time at https://geodudecorner.com/discover-your-brand/.
While participating in the workshop you will be able to develop and refine your “brand statement” which you will be able to post to and get feedback from Patrick by sending your completed worksheet to pmcandless@telus.net.
The workshops will have two webinar sessions where participants will be able to log into the webinar to;
By completing the workshops the participants will be “market-ready” and set to launch their career.