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Wednesday, 15 February 2023
5:30 to 6:00 PM drinks
Presentation starts at 6:00PM
The Celtic Club (48 Ord St, West Perth)
This talk will be about a few of the newer digital tools CSIRO and its collaborators have been working on in the last year and how they might be used and useful in an exploration campaign, including the Australia’s Scalable Drone Cloud, the FAIMS (Fieldmark) field sampling app and XTHydroTM for automated processing of hydrogeochemical data.
Senior Research Scientist at CSIRO Mineral Resources
Nathan completed a PhD from the University of Adelaide on the role of biogeochemistry in mineral exploration in Australia and discovered the importance that spinifex could play in gold exploration. He then moved to CSIRO in Perth where he has spent the last 14 years working on hydrogeochemistry and biogeochemistry projects related to mineral exploration. He now leads research in hydrogeochemistry and promotes the collection and integration of groundwater chemical data into the Continental Scale Hydrogeochemistry initiative. More recently he has been pioneering new technologies in real time fluid chemistry analysis to speed up mineral exploration decision making, as well as becoming a drone pilot for projects in mineral exploration and developing mobile apps for digital data capture in the field.
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