Thursday, 10th March, 11am AEDT
11.00AM – Cam Knight – Stand-up Comic
11.10AM – Paula Montoya – Geometallurgy Modelling: an update for the last 10 years
11.50PM – Happy Hour – Q&A + Networking
Understanding the fundamental relationships between geological characterisation of mineral deposits and their impact on mineral processing and recovery is what #geometallurgy is about.
For GeoMet, to develop new and improved integrated measures of mining and processing attributes that can be embodied into ore body models which more representatively reflect potential economic value. Incorporation of these attributes into ore deposit models will facilitate more effective mine planning and optimisation.
In this presentation Paula Montoya will talk about geometallurgy modelling and update on the last 10 years, which the main purpose is to see what has been done and how new technologies could help to improve the fundamental ore geology knowledge to be mapped.
Paula Montoya is a Geologist Engineer at National University in Colombia. She did her Master’s at the University of Tasmania in Geometallurgy and she has a PhD in Earth Sciences more specifically in Ore Geology at National Autonomous University in Mexico.
She possesses 20 years of experience in exploration/geoscience of different kinds of deposits, Ag/Au epithermal – intermediate to low sulphidation, orogenic gold vein systems and gold, copper porphyry deposits in South and Centre America.
Currently, she is Research Professor at North University in Colombia, and Guest Researcher at Geoscience Centre (UNAM) in Mexico. Her research interest is subdivided in two main subjects:
Cam Knight
Cam has been an actor and stand up comedian for the past 16 years and was the co-host of a brand new show on Channel 9 called Unreal Estate alongside Kate Langbroek in 2016. He has regularly appeared on the Today show, co-hosted Studio 10 on Channel 10 and can be heard as a weekly co-host on Triple M’s Merrickville and The Weekenders with Dan Ginane in Sydney.