Thursday, 6th October, 11am AEDT
11.00AM – Cam Knight – Stand-up Comic
11.10AM – Louise Corriveau – In each others footsteps: IOCGs, IOAs and primary critical mineral deposits in metasomatic iron and alkali-calcic systems
11.50PM – Happy Hour – Q&A + Networking
Finding puzzling variety of mineralization styles and critical mineral associations in your geological playground? There might be a solution to it as ‘Canada delivers a beautiful model to demystify IOCGs. The field work largely took place in Canada…but the new research draws significantly on work by GSSA (Geological Survey of South Australia) on the Gawler Craton. If exploring for IOCGs, you need to be across everything in Special Paper 52’
This week Dr Corriveau will illustrate how rigorous field observations across Canada’s glacially polish field exposures and global comparisons enhance our understanding of how metasomatic iron and alkali-calcic mineral systems form primary critical minerals deposits in addition to iron oxide copper-gold (IOCG) and iron oxide-apatite deposits. Her team’s new alteration mapping protocol, ore deposit model and lithogeochemical tools help reassess the critical mineral potential of non metamorphosed and metamorphosed metasomatic systems and the linkages among their diverse mineralization types in Canada and abroad.
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Louise Corriveau, Geological Survey of Canada
Dr. Louise Corriveau is a research scientist at the Geological Survey of Canada (Natural Resources Canada), and an adjunct professor at the Institut national de la Recherche scientifique (INRS) in Québec. Louise is expert at finding prospectivity clues in the field geology record of metasomatic mineral systems and high-grade metamorphic terranes. Her collaborators extend from her colleagues at GSC and other Canadian and Australian surveys, to the Dene First Nation mineral exploration company, academia, and private sector. Her team’s most recent publications on mineral systems with IOCG and affiliated primary critical metal deposits can be found in the book she, Eric Potter and Hamid Mumin edited, Special Paper 52 of the Geological Association of Canada at https://gac.ca/product-category/new_releases/