Geoscience Australia’s role in growing Australia’s critical minerals sectorSpeakers: Allison Britt & Angela O’Rourke As we move forward, a steady supply of minerals will remain crucial. As you can see in the World Bank diagram above, 17 different elements are needed for clean-energy technologies. And luckily for everyone Australia is extraordinarily well endowed with most of these mineral resources.
Our guest speakersAllison Britt
Allison Britt is the Director of Mineral Resources Advice and Promotion at Geoscience Australia, Australia’s national geoscience organisation. After graduating from the Australian National University, she spent her early career with CSIRO Exploration and Mining working on gold geochemistry in the Yilgarn, followed by six years overseas as a share trader, scientific editor and contract geologist. Returning to Australia, Allison initially worked with the uranium group at Geoscience Australia before specialising in the annual inventory of Australia’s mineral resources. In recent years, Allison has focused on attracting international minerals investment into Australia and supporting the Australian Government’s critical minerals strategy. She leads Geoscience Australia’s provision of minerals advice as well as the National Mine Waste Assessment under the Exploring for the Future program. Allison also has considerable experience in public outreach, working with radio, print and television to explain the role that minerals play in our lives. Angela O’Rourke
Angela O’Rourke is a geoscientist with 20 years’ experience in diverse roles for government and industry and is passionate about applying geoscience to address the challenges facing the global community. Angela is currently the Senior Advisor – Critical Minerals at Geoscience Australia, Australia’s national geoscience agency, where she leads a project on mineral criticality for Australia, and contributes technical advice and fosters collaboration to inform and advance critical minerals research and policy. In this role Angela values the opportunity to support Australia to grow our critical minerals sector and play an integral role in the global energy transition. Prior to this, Angela spent 5 years as the Director of Regional Geology and Drilling at Geoscience Australia leading multi-disciplinary stratigraphic drilling projects as part of the Australian Government’s Exploring for the Future Program. These projects shed new light on the geological evolution and mineral prospectivity in Australia’s covered regions and resulted in the opening of an exploration frontier east of Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory. Prior to her time at Geoscience Australia Angela worked for 4 years as an engineering geologist, followed by 7 years in the mineral resources sector with WMC, MMG, Oz Minerals and Zinifex. Angela worked at the Leinster Nickel, Dugald River and Century operations in WA and QLD and has managed mineral exploration programs throughout the Carpentaria Zinc Belt in Northern Australia and the Belt Purcell Basin in North America. Angela graduated from Queensland University of Technology with first class honours in Geoscience in 2002.