IMGC24 Pre-Conference Field Trip – Gold Mines of Central Victoria

Australian Institute of Geoscientists > Events > IMGC24 Pre-Conference Field Trip – Gold Mines of Central Victoria

IMGC24 Pre-Conference Field Trip – Gold Mines of Central Victoria


    Date(s) - Sunday, 28/04/2024 - Friday, 03/05/2024

  • Category(ies)

IMGC24 Pre-Conference Field Trip

Gold Mines of Central Victoria


The 13th International Mining Geology Conference is to be held in Perth 7-8th May and is jointly organised by AusIMM and AIG.

As part of this event delegates are offered opportunities to attend workshops, an Industry Challenge day, a Young Professional’s day and field trips.

The AIG is pleased to announce it is offering a preconference five-day field trip to operations in Central Victoria, Australia.

Offered as part of the IMGC, this field trip is intended to provide an opportunity for international and local conference delegates to experience a series of focused mine site visits around the central theme of high-grade, high-nugget, narrow-vein gold mining geology.

Starting and finishing in Melbourne, the 5-day tour will visit all major gold producers in the region to discuss their regional setting, local mining geology, operational practices, exploration opportunities and their approaches to wide-ranging technical challenges. The site visits will include underground tours as well as office-based discussions and drill core inspection.

Operations confirmed for the tour include Costerfield, Fosterville, Stawell and Ballarat goldmines with side visits to On Site Laboratories’ Chrysos Photon Assay lab in Bendigo, the Stawell Underground Physics Lab installation and potentially Gekko’s minerals processing research lab and manufacturing plant in Ballarat. ‘GPIK’ meetings are intended along the way to meet and interact with local mining professionals and gain exposure to broader geoscience perspectives.

The tour cost includes all travel ex Melbourne Airport, meals and accommodation. Baggage storage cost at the airport is included to minimise vehicle baggage on the field trip – we will be travelling light. Tour attendee numbers are limited to ensure group size is manageable for underground visits with host sites. The mix of international and local delegates will be managed to ensure the opportunity to participate is balanced with waitlisting of conference delegates as required. Registration is only open to IMGC registered delegates but will be prioritised in the order EOI and invoiced payment received.

Date and Venue

28th April – 3rd May 2024

Various mine sites; Costerfield, Fosterville, Stawell, Ballarat
2pm departure 28 April 2024 from Melbourne Airport

Indicative Itinerary
Day 1 – Sunday 28/4 Melbourne Airport ~2pm depart Bendigo
Day 2 – Monday 29/4 Costerfield Bendigo
Day 3 – Tuesday 30/4 Fosterville Bendigo
Day 4 – Wednesday 1/5 Chrysos lab transit Stawell
Day 5 – Thursday 2/5 Stawell SUPL Stawell
Day 6 – Friday 3/5 Ballarat Gold Gekko Return MA 6pm




Please contact Dale Sims for further details:


              >>>>>>>>>>>     Main instrument chamber - Stawell Underground Physics Lab

 >>>>>>>>>>>                  Nuggets - Ballarat Gold

 >>>>>>>>>>>                  Ore Drive - Ballarat Gold

 >>>>>>>>>>>                  Gold in drill-core Fosterville goldmine.

  >>>>>>>>>>>                 Swan Lode, Fosterville goldmine.


AIG/AusIMM members $ 4,000
Non-members $ 4,800
Prices include GST, overseas attendees will be invoiced GST free
Invoices will be issued for payment once EOI received and applicant accepted.

  • Date and time

    Sunday 28 April 2024 to Friday 3 May 2024

  • Venue

    Ballarat VariousMinesites


Registrations have now closed.