NExUS-Professional Development Workshop: South Australian IOCG Mineral Systems
NExUS Professional Development F2F Workshop
South Australian IOCG Mineral Systems
Date & Time
29th – 30th September 2022
South Australian Drill Core Library, Tonsley
SA 5042, Australia
- NExUS-Professional Development (NExUS-PD) workshops are very proud to be able to offer a 2-day SA IOCG workshop hosted at the SA drill core library facility at Tonsley
- The face-2-face workshop will be a combination of industry-focused presentations, guided core viewing, research updates and discussions with plenty of opportunities for networking
Day 1 (Thursday 29th Sept)
Programmed planned to include:
Introduction to SA IOCGs (R.Lilly, NExUS)
Building blocks of a world-class IOCG province (M. Hand, Uni of Adelaide)
Geology of the Olympic Dam Deposit (K. Ehrig, BHP)
Oak Dam West: The Story So Far (BHP)
Geology of the Carrapateena Deposit and Recent Research Updates (OZ Minerals)
Geology of the Prominent Hill Deposit (B. Whittaker, OZ Minerals)
Guided core viewing for above deposits
Day 2 (Friday 30th Sept)
Programmed planned to include:
IOCG Paragenesis and the Related Deposit Spectrum (R.Lilly, NExUS)
Research Updates from the Wallaroo-Moonta District (M. Brockmann, Uni of Adelaide/GSSA)
Lithospheric View (S. Theil, GSSA), Inputs from Mafic and Felsic Magmatism (Claire Wade, GSSA)
Alteration Trends and Geochemical Characteristics of SA IOCG Deposits (A. Fabris, GSSA).
Further presentations TBC
Exploration Panel Discussion
Additional core viewing
Full Registration: $775
AIG and ASEG Members: $550
Students*: $100 (A limited number of free places available to students, sponsored by OZ Minerals. Apply directly to
Workshop will be fully catered with morning/afternoon tea and lunch provided.
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