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Friday 25th November 2016
Event from 5pm – 7.30pm
West Australian Rowing Club
Barrack Square (Riverside Drive)
AIG Members $66.00
Non-AIG Members $88.00
Pricing includes GST. Registration includes finger food and drinks.
Spaces are limited to so make sure you get your name in early! To RSVP, please book through the online form below. If you have any issues with the booking form, please emails us at bookings@aig.org.au.
FOR CATERING PURPOSES registration will close at 5.00pm (AWDST) Tuesday 22nd November 2016.
For further information contact Jocelyn Thomson: jaytee@iinet.net.au or phone (08) 9355 2164.
Click here to download the event flyer.
BookingsRegistrations have now closed. |