Fraser Institute Survey of Mining Companies

Australian Institute of Geoscientists > Minerals and Energy Resources > Fraser Institute Survey of Mining Companies

The Go-To Global Rankings for Mining Investment

The Fraser Institute, Canada’s leading public policy think-tank, conducts an annual global survey of mining industry executives and managers to rank jurisdictions around the world based on their attractiveness to mining investment.

The results help identify the countries, states, and provinces whose mining policies either attract or repel investors. Participants also offer critical insight into the policy issues that matter most to the global mining industry.

Every year, we strive to increase our response rate with sufficient data to evaluate more mining jurisdictions worldwide, providing governments with candid, measurable feedback on their mining policy framework.

Western Australia was ranked 1 in the Fraser Institute’s 2019 survey.

To participate in this year’s survey, please send your contact information to Your information will be kept in strict confidence, and will not be shared with anyone outside of the mining survey.

To learn more about this project, please contact Ashley Stedman, Senior Policy Analyst, at +1 (403) 216-7175 ext. 428 or

The Survey of Mining Companies: 2019 ranked the investment climate of 76 jurisdictions around the world based on the opinions of mining executives.