Geology of Australia – 3rd edition now available

Australian Institute of Geoscientists > Education > Geology of Australia – 3rd edition now available

geology-of-australiaThe Geology of Australia by Robert Henderson and David Johnson brings geoscience to the general public in an intelligent and well written account of Australia’s evolution, tectonics, geology and landscape.

The book presents the story of the geological evolution of the Australian Plate to readers willing to come to terms with the language of this science without being drowned in unnecessary jargon.

While this is not a textbook for senior high school students or undergraduates it is a valuable addition to the teaching resources used at both secondary and tertiary levels and there should be at least one copy of this edition on the library shelves of all high school, public and university libraries. Teachers and students will find the many Australia-wide examples referenced in the text and figures (over 300 in all) a refreshing change from the usual examples found in texts produced for a North American or European market. This is an excellent book for those looking for the ideal gift for that hard to please person on their list, for those wanting to know more about the Australia around them but who don’t have the technical knowledge required by textbooks and for those teachers and students looking for excellent explanations and diagrams with an Australian context.

Find out more about this book from Cambridge University Press.