Hydrogeologists to meet in Adelaide

Australian Institute of Geoscientists > Best Practice > Hydrogeologists to meet in Adelaide

1 CPD HourAIG’s South Australia Branch hydrogeology group will be holding their inaugural meeting on Wednesday 1st October at the Wakefield Hotel, Adelaide.  The speaker will be Tavis Kleinig (Water Quality Branch of the EPA, Senior Hydrogeologist) and his talk topic is  ‘The EPA and Groundwater – From AMD to UCG’.  

The success of the recent South Australia Branch “Groundwater in Mining” conference demonstrated the need for a hydrogeology group, particularly in South Australia.

“Tavis Kleinig’s talk is a must for exploration and mining geologists in South Australia, for obvious reasons” according to AIG South Australia Branch Chairman Graham Teale.  “His talk will focus on the Environment Protection Authority’s (EPA’s) broad role in the assessment of groundwater, and the assessment of mining and oil and gas projects with potential to impact groundwater.”

Tavis will provide a summary of a recent project, the State Groundwater Quality Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Program (SGWQMERP for short!). To keep things topical (and hopefully more interesting) Tavis will briefly discuss the EPA’s role in the recent Clovelly Park investigation, Rex Hillside, Unconventional Gas (UCG) in the South East, and finally introduce everyone to stygofauna!

Click here for more information regarding the meeting