The Australasian Land and Groundwater Association is running this course throughout Australia and in New Zealand during November.
This is an introductory organic geochemistry course for scientists and engineers working in the field of groundwater site characterization, contamination, and remediation. It is designed to provide basic information on organic contaminants and their fate/transport in aquifer geochemical environments.
Geochemical processes that will be described and discussed include solution/gas interactions leading to volatilization and dissolution of volatile organic compounds, adsorption/desorption of organics, natural attenuation along the groundwater flowpath, and biodegradation processes. Data collection, presentation, and interpretation of results will be discussed. Examples that illustrate the concepts are described throughout the class.
At the end of this one-day class, attendees will ave a better understanding of the types of geochemical processes that affect organic contaminants, the importance of collecting sufficient data to understand site-specific geochemical systems, and the effectiveness of natural attenuation and in situ treatment of organic contaminants.
Presented by Bill Deutsch, Geochemistry Services LLC
Perth – 20th November 15 – 9am – 4pm
Melbourne – 23rd November 15 – 9am – 4pm
Brisbane – 27th November 15 – 9am – 4pm
Visit the ALGA web site for venue and registration information.