AIG membership renewal notices will be distributed in May and although that’s still a few months away it’s worth checking now that your contact details are up to date.
As an AIG Member, you now have access to the Membership Portal, accessed via the Membership Login button in the header of every page of the AIG website.
The membership portal enables you to keep your contact details up to date. It will soon also provide members’ only access to AIG publications and the new-look AIG News which will be delivered electronically from the 2015 issue. The membership portal will also carry employment advertisements and members are able to lodge classified advertisements for anything geological or geophysical that you’d like to find a new home for. New additions to the portal will be promoted via the AIG web site and e-mail newsletters but it’s worth logging join from time to time. The team maintaining the portal and web site are also always pleased to receive content and suggestions for improvements and new features.
AIG business emails (membership renewals, notices of annual and special general meetings etc. and other members’ only information) will always be sent to your email address registered in the membership portal.
AIG regularly distributes national and state branch email newsletters. If you’d like to subscribe, or you need to update your newsletter content details, follow the e-newsletter subscription link from the AIG web site home page. New subscribers simply need to complete the form. You will receive an email with a link to confirm your identity and complete the registration process.
Existing subscribers may update their subscription information by providing your name and new email address. The newsletter email list manager and membership portal email addresses are not linked in order to enable non-members to also subscribe to email newsletters, or to enable members to use different email addresses for AIG membership information and email newsletters.