The JORC committee, withh the support of the JORC parent bodies (AIG, AusIMM and the Minerals Council of Australia (MCA)), ASX and ASIC, will be conducting an extensive program of seminars around Australia, to build mineral industry professionals’ understanding of the JORC Code, 2012 Edition.
These important professional development seminars will support the effective implementation of the revised JORC Code and provide an excellent platform for improved reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves.
The seminar programme will include:
Dates and Locations
Tuesday 7 May: Perth, WA
Thursday 9 May: Kalgoorlie WA
Tuesday 18 June: Melbourne VIC
Friday 21 June: Bendigo, VIC
Monday 8 July: Brisbane, QLD
Friday 12 July: Townsville, QLD
Friday 19 July: Mount Isa, QLD
Tuesday 23 July:Adelaide, SA
Thursday 25 July: Sydney, NSW
Friday 26 July: Singleton, NSW
Registration Fees
AusIMM & AIG members $140, Non-members $280 (inclusive. of GST, online registration only via credit card). On-line registration facilities are being provided by AusIMM.
To register, click on the links in the seminar date and location list above. For all further information please contact:
Belinda Martin, Manager, Event Operations, The AusIMM,
T: +61 3 9658 6125 | E: