JORC Training

AIG is working with leading Australian geological and mining consulting practice, DeRisk Geomining Consultants, to develop an affordable, comprehensive, five module training course for resource and reserves professionals and those who make use of resource and reserve statements.

The course is designed so that all file modules may be completed, or individual models taken to meet specific gaps in personal expertise and professional experience.

The five modules will cover:

  1. Introduction to the JORC Code – how the JORC code sets out minimum standards for public reporting of exploration results, mineral resources and ore reserves and sets out sound practices for data collection, quality control and assurance, analysis and transparent, material reporting of results.
  2. A JORC Code Refresher – designed to help geoscientists responsible for public reports understand their personal responsibilities, refresh their understanding of the key requirements of the Code, how compliance is monitored and other issues central to Competent Person responsibility.
  3. Reporting Exploration Targets and Exploration Results for mineral commodities covered by the JORC Code, including the development of sound practices for collecting and assuring the quality of required information.
  4. Reporting Mineral Resources, including how the use of the Checklist of Assessment and Reporting Criteria (Table 1) included in the Code can be used as a guide to best practice data collection, analysis and material reporting of estimates.
  5. Integrating the JORC Code with ASX Rules – Compliance with the listing rules established for ASX listed companies adds requirements for public reporting that may extend what is required by the JORC Code in specific areas.

Case studies will feature extensively in the presentation of each module.

Development of the course has commenced. The first two modules are being presented in Townsville next week (29 April). The first delivery of the complete course will be in Perth, expected in the third quarter of 2019. This will be followed by regular courses in other locations throughout Australia. Delivery of the course using interactive, real-time, desktop video delivery, providing interaction between the presenter and students during each model is also being planned cater for the needs of students in rural Australia and overseas.

Feedback received from students will be used to continuously improve the quality and relevance of course content.

AIG is one of three parent bodies of the Joint Ore Reserves Committee (JORC).

The course will form a key continued professional development resource, delivered in a flexible manner, consistent with AIG’s not for profit model to ensure it is within reach of all Institute members.

Further details will be published as course development proceeds.