Is there life on Mars? We’ve been asking the question for centuries, but could clues in Western Australia’s Pilbara soon gives us answers? Join a panel of NASA scientists and astrophysicists as they discuss all things Mars.
How will people live on the red planet? Is there already simple life there? Will Mars be a base for humanity one day stepping out into the galaxy? Do we have galactic neighbours?
Graham Phillips [ABC’s catalyst] will lead this panel of leading Australian and International scientists to give you answers.
Dr Graham Phillips | ABC Catalyst
15 August 2019
Perth Convention & Exhibition Center,Riverside Theatre,WA
Dr Mitch Schulte | Program Scientist NASA Mars 2020
Prof. Paul Davis AM | Astrophysicists ASU
Prof. Martin Van Kranendonk | Astrobiologist UNSW
Dr Vanessa Lickfold | Head of Geoscience Western Australian Iron Ore Iron Ore, BHP
Renae Sayers | Research Ambassador, Curtin University
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Are you aged 18 or under and interested in winning tickets to this amazing event?
Create an infographic, poster or other form of media to share something about:
For competition terms and conditions and to enter visit
All entries must be received by 6pm(WST)4 August 2019 and winners will be notified by 6pm(WST)6 August 2019
*Teachers looking to bring students to the ‘Life on Mars’ event at the Perth Convention & Exhibition Centre on August 15 we know about a special deal for you…For groups of 10+ students book two students and get the third free (up to five free students) and that’s on the special student price! More details and special booking forms can be found via the button link below.