Mines and Wines 2013: Sampling the Tasmanides

Australian Institute of Geoscientists > News > Mines and Wines 2013: Sampling the Tasmanides

Mines and Wines 2013: Sampling the Tasmanides

The Mines and Wines 2013 web site www.minesandwines.com.au is now on-line. 

The fourth Mines and Wines conference will be held in Orange from 11 to 14 September 2013 and will bring together over 200 mineral explorers and industry experts to focus on mineral exploration and mining projects in eastern Australia. The event is jointly sponsored by the Sydney Mineral Exploration Discussion Group (SMEDG), the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG) and the Geological Survey of NSW (GSNSW).

Current understanding of the tectonics and metallogenesis of the Tasmanides will be covered in keynote presentations. Industry presentations will cover exploration and mining projects across Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania.

A pre-conference excursion will visit the Copper Hill porphyry copper-gold deposit and the McPhillamys gold project.

Major industry suppliers will have booths at the Conference to allow you to catch up on what you need to successfully explore in the Tasmanides.

Following the Conference you can learn about the wines of the famous Orange region and taste the unique flavours on the Wine Tour.


Check the web site regularly for the latest information in the lead-up to the conference this September.