At its Annual meeting in Ulaanbaatar in Mongolia during October 2014, CRIRSCO (the International Committee for Mineral Reserves International Reporting Standards) welcomed Mongolia as its eighth member and first member in Asia.
Mongolia has established the Mongolian Professional Institute for Geosciences and Mining (MPIGM) as its National Reporting Organisation (NRO). Its President is Mr Damba D. It operates under a By-Law approved by the Minister of Mining and has various grades of Membership. There is also provision for Registered Professionals, who meet certain qualification and experience guidelines.
The Mongolian Resources and Reserves Committee (MRC) is a committee of MPIGM and it has developed the MRC Code for the reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves, which is compatible with the CRIRSCO Template.
The MPIGM has a number of other Committees, which deal with Membership, Registration, the Code of Ethics and professional development. MPIGM meets a requirement of CRIRSCO that there is a professional society with an enforceable Code of Ethics.
CRIRSCO is pleased to welcome Mongolia as a member of CRIRSCO. Its representatives on the CRIRSCO Committee are Mr Batardene D and Ms Oyungerel B.
This will enable MPIGM to apply to the other NROs for recognition as a Recognised Professional Organisation.
Edmundo Tulcanaza