Inside this issue…
From Your President: Our land abounds in nature’s gifts; Institute News; Membership Updates; Registered Professional Geoscientists Applications; Geoscientist Employment in Australia Continues its Slide; Geologists in the age of commodity turmoil; Upcoming Events; Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis of the Epsilon Formation, Merrimelia Ridge, Cooper Basin – South Australia; Origin of ladder dykes and associated rocks; Ravenswood: Implication of Magmatic Evolution, Fluid inclusion and trace element study of stockwork quartz at the Red Mountain porphyry copper deposit; 4: Seven Wonders of the Hydrogeological World – Iconic Blue Lake; Industry – Academic Research Projects: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly; VALMIN CODE 2015: What has changed and why?; Geologists Are Highly Biased—How to take Business Advantage of this Bias; Events Calendar; And much more…
ISSN 0812-6089
ISBN 1 876118 47 4