Inside this issue…
From Your President: Happy New Year All; Institute News; Membership Updates; Registered Professional Geoscientists Applications; Postgraduate Bursary Report: 7th International Dyke Conference, Beijing; Postgraduate Bursary Report: Probing the crust: Time, Space & Source relationships of granitoids at Cape Upstart, Northeast QLD; Postgraduate Bursary Report: 2D Lithospheric Imaging of the Delamerian and Lachlan Orogens, Southwestern Victoria, Australia from Broadband Magnetotellurics; Postgraduate Bursary Report: The origin of red pigment in Late Devonian limestones and significance for environmental changes, northern Canning Basin, Western Australia; A Report on the inaugural NExUS: National Exploration Undercover School; TESEP Virtual Field Trips; Update on the National Rock garden; PencilRaising; Report on Geotourism Developments In Australia; The Australasian Mining History Association; Another exceptional year for AIG Mentoring in WA; 2016 Mini Essay Competition Winners – WA Mentoring Special Program: Discovery Day with Mark Bennett’s team at S2R; AIG Council & AIG News; Events Calendar; And much more…
ISSN 0812-6089
ISBN 1 876118 47 4