Inside this issue…
From Your President; Institute News; Text Book Review: Exploring Earth & Environmental Science; NSW Branch Report; Education News; Membership Updates & Registered Professional Geoscientists Applications; Welcome Improvement in Australian Geoscientist Employment; Bentonite Tephrostratigraphy and Geochronology of Richly Fossiliferous Upper Cretaceous Continental Strata in the Western Interior Basin, North America; The geology and genesis of the Two-Thirty prospect Northparkes district, NSW; John Forrest Geotrail – Geotourist Route next to the Darling Fault, Swan View, WA; Reporting Industrial Mineral Exploration Results According to the JORC Code; Professional Issues Subcommittee Survey of Members; Gold17@Rotorua Conference; AIG Edumine Campus; Events Calendar and more!
ISSN 0812-6089
ISBN 1 876118 47 4