Inside this issue…
From Your President; Institute News; Membership Updates; Registered Professional Geoscientists Applications; Climate Change: Natural cycles and Unnatural Forcing; Geoscientist Employment Recovery Stalled; A mMob of Geologists and Friends on a Geotrail in the West; Long-term Forecast of Australia’s Mineral Production and Revenue – The Outlook for Gold: 2017-2057; Good Vibrations for Passive Seismic; A Short Report on the NExUS Reunion Workshop; Smart Use of Smart Technology and Data; South Australia Exploration & Mining Conference 2017; International Mining Geology Conference; H2O Insight a Critical Resource; 2017 Tenth International Mining Geology Conference; New Rock for the National Rock Garden; AIG Council & AIG News; Events Calendar and much more…
ISSN 0812-6089
ISBN 1 876118 47 4