Inside this issue…
From Your President; Institute News; NSW Branch News; SA Branch News; Education News; Membership Updates; How Good is Your Geological Logging?; Employment Survey; Core Logging Fundamentals Workshop – A day out in Werribee; Vale Keeva Vozoff, Spence Titley, Margaret Ellis; The Monash Student Industry Night for Earth, Atmosphere and Environment; Are you using QGIS yet?; A deep-dive into what the industry wants: Results from the 2018 AIG National Graduate Group Geoscience Survey – Part one of a three-part series; AIG-ALS-GSAQ-Canterbury Brisbane River Cruise; Titanium, a metal with potential; Providing Scale; SMEDG Winter Harbour Cruise 2019; Student report – Rates of magmatic processes preceding steady-state activity at Stromboli, Italy; Science and Science Fiction; (Anthropogenic) Global Heating; building resilience, not argument; Events Calendar and more…
ISSN 0812-6089
ISBN 1 876118 47 4