Queensland Collaborative Exploration Initiative – Round 1 grants available now

Australian Institute of Geoscientists > News > Queensland Collaborative Exploration Initiative – Round 1 grants available now

The Queensland Government’s Collaborative Exploration Initiative (CEI) commenced on 14 August 2017. The initiative provides funding assistance to test high risk or innovative exploration concepts used to understand the geology and prospectivity of under-explored areas.

Funding of $3.6 million has been allocated to the Initiative and is open to existing mineral, petroleum, gas, coal and geothermal explorers working in North West Queensland Mineral Province.

$1.2 million of Round 1 grant funding is now available. Grants offered under the CEI will meet up to half of the direct activity costs, to a maximum of $200,000, for an approved project. An incentive of up to an additional $100,000 applies to Round 1 if the project is completed by 10 August 2018.

CEI builds on funding offered by the previous Collaborative Drilling Initiative (CDI). The new CEI has been expanded to also include both drilling activities and non-drilling activities such as geophysics, geochemistry, and other surveys.

Explorers can now apply for the Collaborative Exploration Initiative in north-west Queensland. Applications for CEI Round 1 must be received by 29 September 2017.

Visit the Queensland Government exploration grants website for more information.