September 2014 Australian Geoscientist Employment Survey

Australian Institute of Geoscientists > Employment > September 2014 Australian Geoscientist Employment Survey

unemployedIn the first quarter of 2014 the AIG Australian Geoscientist Employment survey recorded the highest levels of unemployment and underemployment since the surveys commenced in 2008. In june, the employment situation has improved slightly but self-employed geoscientists were clearly still suffering depressed demand of their services. These results demonstrated the value of monitoring geoscientist employment in Australia on a regular basis.

With your support, this survey has become to be regarded as a trusted indicator of geoscientist employment specifically, and an indicator of the health of Australia’s exploration and mining sector more generally. We need your support, for a few minutes every three to six months to maintain the value of this series of surveys.

The surveys provide “hard data” that is used in representations to government, and for use in a range of other areas by both AIG and industry representative bodies with which AIG shares the survey results.

The few minutes of your time spent completing the survey really helps to make a difference to the standing and knowledge of our profession.

Click here to complete the survey.

The survey will remain open for submissions until midnight, 18 October 2014.