Geoscientist unemployment fell to 1.8% in September 2021: equal to the lowest level recorded in 10 years of quarterly employment surveys by the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG). The under-employment rate amongst geoscientists (respondents able to secure 25% or less of their desired workload) fell to 6.0%. The unemployment and under-employment rates in the previous
Employment by Region and Occupation — NERO — is a new experimental dataset developed by the National Skills Commission, a Commonwealth government agency. NERO provides timely information on employment at detailed levels, including 355 occupations across 88 regions in Australia. Until now, data at this level of detail was only readily available once every five years
The latest Australian geoscientist employment survey is open for contributions. Complete the survey by 31st July 2021.
The latest instalment in AIG’s Australian geoscientist employment survey is open for submissions.
The latest Australian geoscientist employment survey is open for contributions. 2019 marks the tenth anniversary of this survey series. This latest instalment in the survey series will provide data on trends in geoscientist employment in Australia during the final quarter (October, November, December) of 2018. In the September quarter, the Australian geoscientists unemployment rate fell slightly to 8.3%, from 8.5% in the June quarter. This was
The Professional Regulatory Board of Geology which operates under the Professional Regulation Commission of the Phillippines has recognised that reciprocity exists between geoscience bodies in Australia and the Philippines. Accordingly, Australian geoscientists are now able to take the Philippines geologist licensure examination. The recognition of reciprocity between the two countries follows efforts by Scott Robson,
The Geocentric Datum of Australia 2020 (GDA2020) is a geocentric (earth-centred) coordinate reference system that is Australia’s new official national datum. GDA2020 will eventually supersede the GDA94 datum and older coordinate systems, such as Australian Geodetic Datum 1966 and 1984 (AGD66 and AGD84). It is a ‘plate-fixed’ datum that is aligned with the 2014 realisation
NCI Australia, Australia’s national research computing service, and Geoscience Australia this week launched a new tool for viewing very-high resolution satellite imagery of Australia. The viewer is part of a broader initiative involving a group of Australian research infrastructure organisations to bring together a vast collection of previously incompatible geoscience datasets that scientists can use to improve
Long-term forecast of Australia’s mineral production and revenue The outlook for gold: 2017-2057 Report by MinEx Consulting: October 2017 Under the combined support and sponsorship of six government agencies (both State and Federal), three research organisations and three industry groups, including AIG, a landmark report has been published by MinEx Consulting looking at the forty-year
Reported significant improvement earlier this year in employment prospects for professionals in Australia’s exploration and mining industry has slowed, according to the latest Australian geoscientist employment survey results collected by the Australian Institute of Geoscientists for the quarter up to the end of June 2017. During the second quarter of 2017, geoscientist employment across Australia