RPGeo Applications

RPGeo Applications

The following Registered Professional Geoscientist (RPGeo) applications have been received. (Updated 14 December, 2024) AIG Fellows and Members with knowledge of the applicants are invited to provide written reviews by email.  AIG’s professional registration program includes both each applicant’s relevant professional experience and ethics. Ms Keshia Myburgh, of Toowong, QLD, has applied for registration as

JORC Code Compliance Review

AIG initiated a project in May 2021 to randomly assess announcements of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves released by ASX listed companies. The initial objective of the project, undertaken by AIG’s Complaints Committee, was to assess the level of JORC Code compliance by Competent Persons, and identify areas of concern that could be

SGA 2021: Final Call for Session Submissions

16th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (SGA) 2021: Final call for session submissions Technical Session Proposal Deadline 7 September 2020SGA 2021 is calling for session proposals for consideration. Selected proposals will be included in the conference programme and are intended to provide an opportunity to share your knowledge and

SGA 2021

AIG is proud to be a co-sponsor of SGA 2021: the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits 16th biennial meeting to be held in Rotorua New Zealand, 15-18 November 2021. The conference theme is The Critical Role of Minerals in the Carbon Neutral Future. The meeting will feature presentations on topics related to mineral

16th SGA Biennial Meeting 2021 , Rotorua New Zealand

The conference is organised by SGA with support from professionals in universities, research organisations, government, minerals industry, and service providers. AIG is a supporter of the conference. AIG members may register for the SGA 2021 conference at the SGA member rate, a significant reduction in the conference registration fee. 28 – 31 March 2022, plus

Edumine Changes

AIG members have benefited from access to a dedicated Edumine campus for the past ten years. This will change in December when Edumine rolls out a new website and service delivery model. At the moment, access to the Edumine campus requires payment of a subscription fee that offers full access to Edumine’s catalogue of self-paced,

Exploring a career in the minerals industry

The Geological Society of America (GSA), the American Geosciences Institute (AGI), the American Geophysical Union (AGU), and the Society of Economic Geology will be hosting a webinar entitled Exploring a Career in the Minerals Industry. The webinar will be on Wednesday, 21 August 2019, at 11:00 a.m. MDT. This webinar will feature two presenters from Newmont

30 Things

30 Things, released recently by the Minerals Council of Australia, focusses on the science of materials, materials that mineral and energy explorers, resources developers and miners and petroleum producers find, extract and create for the economies, nations and people of the world. 30 Things is a great resource for pointing out the contribution of minerals

Geoscientist unemployment essentially unchanged

The latest Australian geoscientist employment survey results show little change in unemployment and underemployment amongst Australian geoscientists in Quarter 3 from Quarter 2, 2018. Geoscientist unemployment in Australia during the third quarter of 2018 was little changed from the previous quarter.  The unemployment rate fell from 8.5% at the end of June to 8.3% at

Australian geoscientists recognised in Queen’s Birthday Honours

A number of prominent Australian geoscientists and minerals sector figures were recognised in the Queen’s Birthday honours announced this week. Mr Philip Ernest BOCK  Medal (OAM) in the General Division  For service to geology, marine biology, and to the community.  Dr Bock has been an Honorary Researcher, Museums Victoria, since 1982,  a Member, International Bryozoology