What Makes a Major Mineral Discovery is a one day conference presented by the South Australia Branch of AIG, Friday 6th June 2014 in Adelaide.
Have you ever wondered how world class deposits are discovered? Is it sheer geological brilliance, exceptional targeting of ground, great structural interpretation, geophysical interpretation par excellence or just plain good luck? Well, come along and listen to some wonderful talks on some of Australia and the world’s greatest ore deposits.
Speakers will include:
- Chris Anderson, Renascor Resources; The Carrapateena IOCG Deposit
- Douglas Haynes, Douglas Haynes DIscovery Pty Ltd; The Olympic Dam IOCG Mine
- Tony Belperio, Minotaur Exploration Ltd; The Prominent Hill IOCG Mine
- Pat Say, Rex Minerals Ltd; The Hillside IOCG Skarn Deposit
- John Anderson, Investigator Resources Ltd; The Paris Epithermal Silver Deposit
- Kevin Wills and David Edgecombe, Consultants, The Challenger Gold Mine
- Colin Brooks, Consultant; The Escondida Porphyry Copper Mine
- Chris Giles, Havilah Resources NL; The Kalkaroo Copper-Gold Deposit
- Tom Mayer, Consultant; The Granites Gold Mine
- Rick Webb, Rick Webb Geological Services P/L; The Callie and Dead Bullock Soak Gold Mines
- Graham Teale, Teale & Associates Pty Ltd; The Mt Leyshon Gold Mine
- Colin Brooks, Consultant; The Escondida Porphyry Copper Mine
- Alastair Morrison, Australian Investors Pty Ltd; The Discovery of the Gokona Deposit, The North Mara Gold Project, Tanzania
- Tom Mayer, Consultant; The Poochera Kaolin Deposits
- Doug Boyd, Iluka Resources Limited; The Jaycinth and Ambrosia Mineral Sands Deposits
- Adrian Brewer, Brewer Geological Services; The Weda Bay Lateritic Nickel-Cobalt Deposit
- Kevin Wills, Diamond Resources Ltd; The Argyle Diamond Mine
Cost: $185 for AIG Members, $250 Non-members. A limited number of places for students ($77) and unemployed geoscientists ($110) are available. All registration fees include GST and include lunch and morning and afternoon teas.
Visit the AIG Events Calendar for more details
Follow this link for the conference flyer AIG SA Branch Major Discovery Conference, Adelaide 6 June 2014. Click here to register on-line. For further information contact Graham Teale