Women in U.S. Geoscience

Australian Institute of Geoscientists > News > Women in U.S. Geoscience

Completion of Geoscience Degrees by U.S. Women on the Increase

The American Geosciences Institute (AGI) has been tracking the gender of geoscience degree recipients in the USA for a number of years.

Recently released figures show that the total number of women receiving geoscience degrees in the USA is rising, following a long term growth trend.  In 2013, 44% of geoscience PhD graduates were women, who also accounted for  41% of bachelor’s andf 42% of master’s degrees.

This AGI Geoscience Currents briefing provides further information.

Comparable statistics are less readily available for Australia.

AIG is an affiliate of the American Geosciences Institute.

9 Feb 2013